# by Rick Egeland <>
# Takes the GOH eye scan data and creates plots and html with links to eye
# diagrams.
use warnings;
use strict;
use GD::Graph::points;
$| = 1;
my %data;
# format the data file (goh-all.csv)
while (<>) {
my @cols = split ",";
if ($#cols < 14) { next;}
next unless $cols[0];
my ($goh, $cur, $pic, $powlo, $powhi) = @cols[0..4];
my $minutes = $cols[12];
my $dose = $cols[14];
print join "\t", ($goh, $cur, $pic, $powlo, $powhi, $minutes, $dose);
print "\n";
# here is the data structure we will sort out
$data{$goh}->{$cur}->{$dose} = {
pic => $pic,
powlo => $powlo,
powhi => $powhi
open HTML, ">", "graphs.html";
print HTML <<STOP;
<title>GOH Irradiation Eye Scan Results</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../style/optical-links.css"/>
<base target="_self"/>
<h1>GOH Irradiation Eye Scan Results</h1>
<p>Data was taken 2004-02-27 to 2004-02-28.
Click on the data points to see the eye diagram.</p>
<p><a href="GOH_irrad_at_PSI_040227.xls">Excel data file</a></p>
<p><a href="goh-all.csv">Text Data file (CSV)</a></p>
<p><a href="">Code that made this page</a></p>
foreach (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %data) { # for every GOH
my $goh = $_;
print "GOH $goh\n";
print HTML "<h3>GOH $goh</h3>\n";
print HTML "<table>\n";
print HTML "<tr>\n";
foreach (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{ $data{$goh} }) { # for every curent
my $cur = $_;
print "GOH $goh CUR $cur\n";
# ready our plotted data (and picture links)
my @doseary = undef;
my @hiary = undef;
my @loary = undef;
my @picary = undef;
my $count = 0;
foreach (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{ $data{$goh}->{$cur}}) { # sort by dose
my $dose = $_;
my %data = %{ $data{$goh}->{$cur}->{$dose} };
print "DOSE $dose HI $data{powhi} LO $data{powlo} PIC $data{pic}\n";
# fill data arrays
push (@doseary, $dose);
push (@hiary, $data{powhi});
push (@loary, $data{powlo});
push (@picary, $data{pic});
# make a graph of data, with many options to make it less ugly
my $graph = GD::Graph::points->new(300,300);
my @data = (\@doseary, \@loary, \@hiary);
$graph->set(x_label => 'Dose (p/cm^2)',
y_label => 'Power (microwatts)',
title => "GOH $goh cur $cur",
r_margin => 5,
y_min_value => 0,
y_max_value => 500,
x_tick_number => 9,
x_min_value => 0,
x_max_value => 9E13,
marker_size => 3,
markers => [5, 5],
dclrs => [ qw(green lblue) ],
transparent => 0,
x_number_format => "%0.2e",
x_labels_vertical => 1) or die $graph->error;
my $file = "plots/goh-$goh-cur-$cur.png";
open(IMG, ">", $file) or die $!;
my $gd = $graph->plot(\@data);
print IMG $gd->png;
my $mapname = "goh${goh}cur${cur}";
print HTML ("<td><img src=\"$file\" width=\"300\" height=\"300\" ",
"border =\"0\" ismap usemap=\"#$mapname\">\n");
# hotspots to make our image map
print HTML "<map id=\"$mapname\" name=\"$mapname\">\n";
foreach (1..2) {
my @arearefs = $graph->get_hotspot($_);
for (my $i=1; $i < scalar @arearefs; $i++) {
my ($shape, $x1, $x2, $y1, $y2) = @{$arearefs[$i]};
#print "COORDS GOH $goh CUR $cur (x1, y1, x2, y2) ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2)\n";
my $piclink = "eye-pics/GOH_irrad_test_$picary[$i].jpg";
print HTML ("<area shape=\"rect\" coords=\"$x1,$y2,$x2,$y1\" \n",
"href=\"$piclink\" alt=\"eye diagram\">\n");
# # animated gif (not useful)
# my @fileary;
# foreach (my $i=0; $i < scalar @picary; $i++) {
# my $piclink = "eye-pics/GOH_irrad_test_$picary[$i].jpg";
# push @fileary, $piclink;
# }
# my $list = join " ", @fileary;
# `convert -delay 200 $list eye-anims/$mapname.gif`;
print HTML "</map>\n";
print HTML "</td>\n";
print HTML "</tr>\n";
print HTML "</table>\n";
print HTML "</body></html>\n";
close HTML;